How to move emails to folder after 30 days using Power Automate

In this Power Automate tutorial, we will learn how to move an email to a folder after 30 days using Microsoft Flow or Power Automate. And also we will discuss the below points:

  • Power automate move email to folder
  • Power automate move email to SharePoint

Microsoft flow move email to folder after 30 days

Here we will see how to move an email to folders after 30 days using Microsoft Flow with an example.

This flow will run end of every month and it will move email from the inbox to the folder(draft).

Step 1: Create a flow

To create a Flow, Login to Power Automate, then click on Create and select Scheduled cloud Flow.

microsoft flow move email to folder after 30 days
Microsoft flow move email to folder after 30 days

Now provide the flow name, and under Run this flow, choose the date for starting is 30 of that month, then choose a time and repeat every month. Then click on create.

microsoft flow move email to folder after 30 days
Microsoft flow move an email to a folder after 30 days

Step 2: Get Emails

To get all emails, click on the next step and then select Get Emails(V3) action.

Then provide the required field, choose the folder from the option, then you want to move unread message or not, your mail includes attachments or not, provide Top field how many emails you will move to the folder, and also u can provide a subject filter.

microsoft flow move email to folder after 30 days
Microsoft flow move emails to folders after 30 days

Also, check out, How to get email address from name in Power Automate

Step 3: Move email to the Folder

To move an email to the folder, click on the Next step and then select Move Email(V2) action. Then provide the message id from the previous step, it will automatically add Apply to each action, and choose the Folder you want to move the email.

microsoft flow move email to folder after 30 days
Microsoft flow move email to folder after 30 days

Once your flow is ready, you can test the flow manually.

Also, read Microsoft Flow or Power Automate employee onboarding

Step 4: Run the Flow

As this flow is scheduled to run in the last of every month, so for testing purposes we will run the flow manually.

See also  How to Stop Flow in Power Automate?

We will move the email to the draft folder, the email subject is New Project.

microsoft flow move email to folder after 30 days
Microsoft flow move an email to a folder after 30 days

So click on the Save and run the Flow manually, you can see flow ran successfully.

microsoft flow move email to folder after 30 days
Microsoft flow move email to folder after 30 days

Now you can check your folder emails move to the Folder, you have selected.

microsoft flow move email to folder after 30 days
Microsoft flow move email to folder after 30 days

This is how the Microsoft flow move an email to a folder after 30 days.

Read Power Automate send email to SharePoint group

Power automate move email to folder

Here we will see how to move an email to the folder after we read it using Microsoft Flow.

We will move all the read emails from the inbox to the Archive folder, by applying the condition is read equal to true.

Let’s see the steps to move the email to a folder using Power Automate.

Step 1: Create a Flow

To create a Flow Login to Power Automate, then click on Create and select Instant cloud Flow.

power automate move email to folder
power automate move email to folder

Now provide the flow name, and then select Manually triggered Flow and click on Create.

Microsoft Flow move email to folder
Microsoft Flow move email to folder

Step 2: Get all the read Emails

In this we will get all emails which is read, so click on the next step, and then select Get Emails(V3) action.

Now provide the folder and you can set top count, the maximum top coun is 25. Then in select query write the below query which will filter the email, which is read.

Microsoft Flow move email to folder
Microsoft Flow move email to folder

Step 3: Apply to each

Now we will apply to each email to check the email are already read or not. So click on the next step, and select Apply to each action. In output value select the value

move email to folder using power automate
move email to folder using power automate

Step 4: Check email is read or not

To check email is read or not, click on Add an action in the Apply to each, and select Condition-control action, then in value select is read from the dynamic content, choose operator is equal to true (expression).

move email to folder using power automate
move email to folder using power automate

If the condition is true, then we move all email to the archive folder. So in IF yes part, click on add an action and select Move email(V2) action. Then provide the Message id from the dynamic content and choose the folder to move the email.

move email to folder using power automate
move email to folder using power automate

Once your Flow is ready, you can run the flow manually.

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Step 5: Run the Flow

Now click on Save and run the flow manually, you can see the flow ran successfully. In the below screenshot you can see the condition is true. then it move all read emails to the archive folder.

power automate move email to folder
power automate move email to folder

Now you can check your Archive folder and you can see all read emails are moved.

power automate move email to folder
power automate move email to folder

This is how Power Automate move an email to folder works with examples.

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Power Automate move email to SharePoint

Here we will see how to move emails to SharePoint document library using Power Automate.

We will move emails to SharePoint, for this, I have created a folder in the SharePoint document library, where we can save all email file automatically using Microsoft Flow. Let’s see the steps on how to move an email to SharePoint using Microsoft Flow.

Step 1: Create a Folder in SharePoint

To create a folder in SharePoint, go to the Document Library and then select the New icon-> Folder.

 move email to sharePoint using Microsoft Flow
move email to sharePoint using Microsoft Flow

Next, Provide the name of the Folder and click on Create.

 move email to sharePoint using Microsoft Flow
move email to sharePoint using Microsoft Flow

Open the Folder you will come through the below screenshot, where you can save your email file.

 move email to sharePoint using Microsoft Flow
move email to sharePoint using Microsoft Flow

Once your folder is ready in SharePoint, we will create a Flow in Power Automate.

Step 2: Create a Flow in Microsoft Flow

To create a Flow, Login to Power automate, then click on Create and select Automated cloud Flow.

Microsoft Flow move email to sharePoint
Microsoft Flow move email to sharePoint

Then Provide the Flow name, and select the trigger’ When a new Email arrives(V3)‘. Then click on Create.

Microsoft Flow move email to sharePoint
Microsoft Flow move email to sharePoint

Step 3: When a new Email arrives

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In this step provide the Folder, where new email arrives, and by default, it is set to inbox. Then click on Show Advanced Options and you can set the Subject Filter.

Microsoft Flow move email to sharePoint
Microsoft Flow move email to sharePoint

Step 4: Export Email

To save the email in SharePoint, we will export email, so click on The Next step and then select Export email(V2). Then in Message id field provide the Message id from the dynamic content.

Microsoft Flow move email to sharePoint
Microsoft Flow move email to sharePoint

Step 5: Save Email file in SharePoint document library

To save the email in the SharePoint document library, click on the Next step and then select Create File action. Then Provide the site address and folder of the SharePoint.

Next in the Filename field set the subject from dynamic content with .eml extension. Then provide the File content as body from the dynamic content.

power automate move email to sharePoint
power automate move email to sharePoint

Once your Flow is ready you can run the flow.

Step 6: Run the Flow manually

To run the Flow, send an email to the outlook inbox, you can see your Flow ran successfully.

power automate move email to sharePoint
power automate move email to sharePoint

Now you can see the email move to the SharePoint document library using Microsoft Flow.

power automate move email to sharePoint
power automate move email to sharePoint

This is how to move an email to a SharePoint document library using Power Automate.

Related Power Automate tutorials:

In this Power Automate tutorial, we learned how Microsoft flow move email to folder after 30 days. And also we discuss the below points.

  • Power automate move email to folder
  • Power automate move email to SharePoint
  • Sorry but this was not helpful. I cannot get any of this to actually work correctly. My work stores emails for 90 days and I would like to every month archive emails into an Outlook Saved mail folder from select people, but every time I try and use the output as From it doesn’t work. I was able to get it to work only one time using the very first section of this article, but it would not archive anything beyond like the first 7 days. HELP!

  • This does not move emails to folder after 30 days. This move emails to folder every 30 days. The difference is that moving the email after 30 days keeps messages in our mailbox for 30 days and then moves them. A workflow that runs every 30 days will move a one-day old message if that message hits the inbox the day before this scheduled action runs. The ideal solution runs daily and moved items that are 30 days old.

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